OK athletes on OSSAA mandated Dead Week

  • OK athletes on OSSAA mandated Dead Week

    OK athletes on OSSAA mandated Dead Week

    OK athletes on OSSAA mandated Dead Week

This week is the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association Dead Week. This annual occurrence puts all high school and middle school athletics on hold for the week.

It began July 1 and continues till July 9. The dead week prohibits any contact between the coaches and the students. It also forbids anybody to use the school’s athletic facility. Dead week includes public, private and even club team sports.

The OSSAA Dead Week began in 2019 to give student athletes a week of rest during the summer. School sports are high impact and with the athletes’ rigorous schedules, OSSAA made the Dead Week so they can recuperate. The Dead Week will always revolve around the fourth of July.

Anycoachwhoviolatesthe rules of Dead Week will face suspension for the first half of the season in whatever sport they coach. Coaches are even prohibited from responding to a spectator, sponsor or athlete.

Dead Week has faced criticism in the past. Many people argue that it interferes with summer sports. However, it has also been hailed as a good thing since it gives students the opportunity to enjoy Independence Day.

Club sports are typically played in the summer, thus making them the most affected by Dead Week. The nine-week long break could possibly hinder the improvement oftheathletesandmess with the team’s chemistry.