Madill City Council discusses Hot Button Topics

  • Madill City Council discusses Hot Button Topics

    Madill City Council discusses Hot Button Topics

    Madill City Council discusses Hot Button Topics

The Madill City Council held the monthly meeting on October 10. All the city council members were present and that meant they had a quorum.

The meeting began byrechamognizing officer J T Moore for his heroic actions on September 9 when he saved the life of an individual involved in a car wreck that ultimately resulted in the car catching fire. He received local and state accolades for his bravery.

The first, second, third and fourth items on the agenda were approval of minutes, financials, and purchase approvals.

Agenda seven was to approve the Madill City Council meeting minutes from the prior month. Agenda eight was to approve the City of Madill city holidays. Agenda ten was the financial report - sales tax $317,787.14, use tax $32,720.52, and current revenue is at 30.04%.

Agendaelevenwasthecity manager's report about the resurfacing of 12th street, the new light at Allsup’s being reprogrammed, a new sewer press for the sewer plant has been built and will be delivered, and a preconstruction meeting about the sewer treatment plant.

Agenda item twelve was open to unscheduled public appearances where the new light at Allsup’s and the amount of additional traffic seemed to be a hot topic. City Manager James Fullingim said he is confident that once the new light is reprogrammed, it will help with the flow of traffic. Another citizen asked that the street at 1st be fixed as there is a dip in the road.

Agenda item five was another hot button topic in town, the ESRO food groups and the city sewer treatment plant. It is quite possible the source of the smell around town which was recently reported on in The Madill Record.

A representative from ESRO, H.R. Manager Toni O’Brien, was present to talk about the current situation and how it is going to be remedied. ESRO is currently in the process of having a temporary Dissolved Air Flotation (DAFT)systeminplace within a few weeks. Then a more permanent DAFT system in place within six months. This is how ERSO will be processing the waste before being sent to the City Treatment Plant.