The look of Patriotism

  • Tom Stewart Tim Collins stands on the corner near the downtown plaza and waves his flags to keep Patriotism alive.

    Tom Stewart Tim Collins stands on the corner near the downtown plaza and waves his flags to keep Patriotism alive.

    Tom Stewart Tim Collins stands on the corner near the downtown plaza and waves his flags to keep Patriotism alive.

Editor’s note: The Madill Record does not endorse the following political views, we are simply giving perspective of one man’s actions and opinions.

Many Marshall County residents may have seen the man dressed in American and “Don’t tread on Me” flags while waving a baton and a Trump flag. Many have questioned the reason behind the demonstration.

There is a reason Tim Collins stands on the corner near the plaza for hours at a time almost every day and has been since the day after the Presidential election was final. While standing on the corner, listening to the cars pass, I asked Collins a few questions to get a better idea of why he does what he does.

Why are you out here doing this?

“I lost my job just after the election as anticipated due to the new Presidential agenda and its immediate impact on the farming industry. After a day or two of soul searching and job prospecting, I asked myself and prayed about what I could do about this. Then, it dawned on me that I could do this, grab my flag and go out and keep patriotism alive.”

Collins said he did check with Law Enforcement and local businesses to make sure he was not violating any rights.

“They said I had every right to do so and that it was a part of the First Amendment.”

What do you hope would come of all this effort?

“I want Patriot to be a household word and I hope that if I do no more than plant a seed for people to educate themselves about what is going on in this country then I have done my part.” Collins went on to mention what a great response he gets out of the high school kids.

“I can hear the kids as they drive by saying ‘Patriotism’ and honking and almost all of them wave or give a thumbs up,” he said.

Several times during the interview, he would say, ”hold on”, then call out, “go Patriot, God bless you.” He would then then politely say, “I am so sorry to interrupt, but the people need me to acknowledge them and say something or wave my flag and give the thumbs up because it is important to them.”

At the beginning of the interview, Collins said something very unforgettable.

“I was wondering if anyone was ever going to come and interview me but I just figured they were scared or something, maybe they think I am too political,” Collins said. “I am not necessarily pro Trump or anti Biden, I am pro America, I love this country and everyone in it, I just want people to wake up and realize that they have rights and we need to express them before we lose them.”

Collins served two tours in Iraq while enlisted in the Navy. He said he loaded “the bombs that killed people” onto the planes by hand.

“One time in Iraq when it seems there was no hope, I took action and prayed,” Collins said. “I prayed for my country, I prayed for Peace, and I prayed for Patriotism, so I did do something, and that’s all I am asking here from our people, do something.”

Given the constant opposition you receive, is being out here hard on your ego?

“Man, I get cussed at and flipped off almost every day.

How do you deal with that? “Shake my flag at them and say thank you.”

He then told a story of a husband and wife who come through almost every day.

“The husband says ‘go Trump’ and the wife says ‘go Biden’, I say ‘go patriots and God bless you’ cause I love them both. I am neither pro-Trump or anti-Biden, I am pro-America, man, I love this country.”

Are you part of some sort of militia or antifa organization and are you getting paid to do this?

“No sir, the only group I am a part of is America and the only pay I get is a free country where I can work and earn money, and any kind of violence or anti-government expression on my part would deem my actions useless.”

Will you consider running for a Political Office?

“Here lately, some people have asked if I would run for some office, now I’m not the smartest man in the world but I do have a good college degree, it’s in P.E. and American/Oklahoma history and man I love Oklahoma, Texas too, heck I love every state, I love America. See this is why I am out here, I am a Patriot, but yes, I would gladly hold any office that was asked of me, you bet I will serve my country.”

During the interview, Collins had some crowd-pleasing sayings. His most common go-to saying was “Go Patriot!” Depending on the situation or conversation, he also used, “I am one hundred percent red blooded,” “I love my Country,” “keep America America,” “kids are our future,” and “I love you I love you all” were just some of the sayings he liked to use and the motorists responded well to.

What can people do to help in your cause?,

“Man, I just want people to wake up and realize they do have a say so and their voice and actions count in this country. Vote, speak up, and do what you can, just do something if not we stand a big chance to lose those rights.”

How long will you keep doing this?

After a small hesitation, Collins replied with a big smile on his face.

“I will do this as long as it takes, and at least until another election. If and when I get another job, I will come out her daily when I’m not working, I just don’t want the spirit of Patriotism to die because now it’s alive but if we quit it will die.”

Is there anything that you hope you might receive for such a painstaking cause? “If you or anyone this article reaches can get in touch with Trump, I would love to shake his hand and look him in the eyes and simply say—Thank you for your generous service Sir.”