Is Halloween a holiday?


It is that time of year again to celebrate centuries-old holiday that has been called many things throughout the years - Allhalloween, All Hallow’s Eve, All Saints Day, or simply in the United States, Halloween. Whatever one may refer to the occasion and toexactlywhatdayitmayfall is as diverse as The United States itself.

Fact is that it really isn’t a holiday at all that is at least in the sense of the word “Holyday” or in Old English, “Holigdaeg”. The true meaning of the commonly misused term holiday is special religious day. In America, the term Holiday means “any day or period of celebration”. posted that Halloween is a celebration rather than an official religious or federal holiday. US employers typically do not compensate workers for Halloween and there is no recognition in any Christian denomination.

The debate on the Halloween subject is nothing new and certainly can be supported either way by both opinion and facts. No matter if it’s considered an actual holiday, or not, it is a great day to dress up like a fool, clown, superhero, or any other tangible or nontangible item. Another great reward for this celebration day is free candy. Many folks remember a paper grocery sack full of candy that mom or dad always carefully inspecting before eating anything.

Believing one way or the other is not really an issue anymore, as it seems large yard displays and grueling figures are everywhere this time of year. Most likely, people look at the day from many differentpointsofview. Some may see it as a thing the US does and never give it second thought.

In Indian Country, All Saints Day is often observed as a time to pray for the dead. Some Pagan religions thought it a day for spirits to return and haunt the living. As a result, Christians dressed up in various costumes to ward the spirits off or was it to ward off neighbors who tried to call up the spirits.

In today’s time, it does seem that October 31 has many mysterious occurrences and certainly in any large city the hospital emergency rooms have a much higher visitation. The debate never ends, and it seems at this point that any true meaning of Halloween has faded away into the fog.