One in eight, the importance of regular checkups

  • Early detection is the key to fighting breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends annual mammogram screenings, or sooner if there is a history of breast cancer. Courtesy photo

    Early detection is the key to fighting breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends annual mammogram screenings, or sooner if there is a history of breast cancer. Courtesy photo

    Early detection is the key to fighting breast cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends annual mammogram screenings, or sooner if there is a history of breast cancer. Courtesy photo

One in eight women in America will be diagnosed with a type of breast cancer at some point in their lives. This sobering statistic highlights the importance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which is observed every October.

Every single person knows someone that has been affected by breast cancer, whether it be a family member, a friend, a church member, or an acquaintance. We have all seen the devastating effects of breast cancer on families and communities.

Therefore, it is so important that we continue to raise awareness and teach understanding of prevention. The best strategy we have to prevent advanced breast cancer is screening and early detection.

The U.S. Preventative Task Force and American Cancer Society recommends that all women obtain yearly mammogram screenings after the age of forty, or sooner if there is any history of breast cancer in the family. Women should perform at least monthly self-breast exams to be aware of any changes and catch lumps early.

Women should be familiar with how their breasts normally look and feel and should report any changes to their healthcare provider right away. Women who are at high risk based on certain factors, personal health history, family history of breast cancer, should obtain other testing such as breast MRIs, 3D mammograms, or genetic blood testing for the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Women should always first consult with their healthcare provider about specific testing for breast cancer.

Throughout the month of October, we are constantly reminded of the impact of breast cancer in seeing the pink ribbons, pink uniforms on sports teams and various community fundraisers centered around breast cancer awareness. It is imperative that we continue these movements and awareness of breast cancer so that we can continue to save lives and hopefully in the future improve on the one in eight statistic that our country is currently facing.