KHS Art students paint a piano for coffee lovers

  • KHS Art students paint a piano for coffee lovers
    KHS Art students paint a piano for coffee lovers
  • KHS Art students paint a piano for coffee lovers
    KHS Art students paint a piano for coffee lovers
  • KHS Art students work on painting the piano in the front of Greg’s Rockin’ Goat Coffee Shop in Kingston. Courtesy photos
    KHS Art students work on painting the piano in the front of Greg’s Rockin’ Goat Coffee Shop in Kingston. Courtesy photos

Greg Upchurch is the drummer from 3 Doors Down and grew up in Kingston. Recently, he opened Greg’s Rockin’ Goat Coffee Shop in Kingston. Now, it has the keyboardforhispianothanks to many.

Kingston High School art students under the guidance of their teacher and Kingston alumna, Mrs. Scribner, along with Kingston Place making Committee, painted a beautiful keyboard on the sidewalk in front of the coffee shop.

Upchurch came up with the idea and the students went to work. There were at least 20 students that participated. What looks like an easy project had a lot of articulating that must be considered.

This was not the average canvas. The sidewalk was power washed by Ron Jackson, owner of Ace Hardware.

The next step after the power washing was measuring and figuring out the layout, then placing putty to fill the cracks in the sidewalk to make it smooth. Once that was complete, the students then began the piano project.

It looks beautiful and so inviting when people stop in for a cup of Joe. Upchurch has plans of placing awnings and more tables out front. Soon, manywillbesteppingonkeys and enjoying the view.

When LeeAnn Callicoat with Vision Bank in Durant found out about the project she asked Mrs. Beardon with KPLC how they could help. They donated the paint and supplies. Several people in the community asked on many occasions how they can contribute.

Kingston has many new projects in the works. Some might have noticed the new wooden planters throughout town and at local businesses. The Kingston High School shop class taught by Dewayne Taylor made the wooden planters.

There are many future projects in the works for the beautification of city, by the Kingston Place Making Committee.